
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead and manage effective workplace relationships.

The unit applies to individuals in leadership or management positions who have a prominent role in establishing and managing processes and procedures to support workplace relationships. These individuals apply the values, goals and cultural diversity policies of the organisation. They use complex and diverse methods and procedures as well as a range of problem solving and decision making strategies, which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Unit Sector

Social Competence – Leadership

Elements and Performance Criteria



Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Establish effective workplace relationship processes

1.1 Identify required processes for workplace collaboration according to organisational policies and procedures

1.2 Develop consultation processes for employees to contribute to issues related to their work role

1.3 Develop processes for conflict management

1.4 Develop processes for escalated issues or refer to relevant personnel

2. Manage effective workplace relationships

2.1 Delegate and confirm responsibilities for fulfilling work tasks

2.2 Collaborate and support team to perform work tasks

2.3 Identify and address issues in workplace relationships according to processes established

2.4 Monitor and communicate to employees outcomes of conflict management

3. Review management of workplace relationships

3.1 Seek feedback on management of workplace relationships from relevant stakeholders

3.2 Evaluate feedback for improvements to leadership style

3.3 Identify areas of improvement for future workplace relations leadership

Foundation Skills

This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the performance criteria that are required for competent performance.




  • Prepares plans and policies incorporating appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions


  • Adapts personal communication style to model behaviours, build trust and positive working relationships, and to support others
  • Takes responsibility for formulating, organising and implementing plans, processes and strategies that impact the workplace

Initiative and enterprise

  • Follows organisational policies and procedures regarding diversity and ethical conduct


  • Plays a lead role in situations requiring effective collaboration, demonstrating high level support and facilitation skills and ability to engage and motivate others
  • Evaluates outcomes to identify opportunities for improvement

Planning and organising

  • Systematically gathers and analyses all relevant information and evaluates options to inform decisions about organisational strategies

Unit Mapping Information

No equivalent unit. Supersedes but is not equivalent to BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships.


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